MUMBAI: A computer engineering student from a suburban college, who has always scored a distinction, got 14 marks in one paper and failed her eighth semester.
The irony is that she has already secured admission in a US university on the basis of her seventh semester scores. Her parents are now doing the rounds of the college to get the anomaly corrected as she must submit her final scores within a month.
Some other students who have gone abroad or have been placed in reputed firms are facing similar problems. City engineering colleges affiliated to Mumbai University have reported at least 5-10% of such failures or cases of results being kept on hold in both second and eighth semesters. Exams for these two semesters are conducted by the university. The eighth semester results in 14 branches were announced over 15-20 days, with mark sheets of students in one branch coming in as late as on Thursday.
According to the university, results of close to 600 students are kept on hold and around 2,000 failed the eighth semester. Most results on hold were in branches such as electronics (122), electronics and telecom (120) and computer engineering (107). In the first year, 56% students failed and around 500 results were kept on hold. A university official, though, claimed data on reserved results is dated; over 50% of these have already been cleared.
In light of the disastrous results in the last semester, where several students were marked absent, the university took precautionary measures this year. "Though the numbers are not as high this time, results of at least 5-10% students in my college are on hold. Last time, students were erroneously marked absent. This time, the university has marked 'N' against one or two subjects. They've not indicated what 'N' stands for," said a principal.
The result of an electronics and telecom student, always a class topper, has also been reserved. A principal said good students who have failed must wait for the photocopies to apply for revaluation.
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